Monday, November 22, 2021

Bumi Perkemahaan Curug Hiji - TENJOLAYA KAB. bogor

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Bumi Perkemahan Curug Hiji - Tenjolaya Kab. Bogor

Curug Hiji – Bogor City is one of the tourist destinations that is still very close to the capital Jakarta. Apart from the peak and also other tours, there are several waterfalls that can be used as family tourist destinations in this Bogor area.


Famous for its clean air and also surrounded by hills and mountains, the city of Bogor has many tourist areas, especially waterfalls or waterfalls.

Some well-known waterfalls have always been excellent for travelers. One of the mainstays for families and also for camping for vacations is Curug Hiji in the city of Bogor, how beautiful Curug Hiji is, see the following article.

Hiji Waterfall Location

Curug Hiji is located in the city of Bogor, precisely in Kampung Pasir Gaok, RT.03/RW.05, Mt. Malang, Tenjolaya sub-district, Bogor, West Java province.

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